Hofinstallation Nr. 1, 2010
Holz, Aluminium, Sand, Bitumen, Plastiktüten
Installation am 15./16./17.10.10 im Hinterhof vor meinem Atelier.
Backyardinstallation No. 1, 2010
Wood, aluminium, sand, bitumen filler, plastic shopping bags
Installed 15./16./17.10.10 in the backyard
in front of my studio.
26 Stelen je / 26 Sticks each: 200x2,4x2,4cm
91 Dosen, sandgefüllt je / 91 Tins filled with sand each: Ø9,9x11,9cm
5 Dosen mit Resten von Bitumenspachtel, sandgefüllt je / 5 Tins with remained bitumen filler and refilled with sand each: Ø30x17cm
65 transparente Plastiktüten je / 65 transparent plastic shopping bags each: 25x33cm